In order to determine whether or not you are suffering from X syndrome symptoms, it is helpful to define X syndrome. According to Wikipedia, X syndrome is another name for metabolic syndrome. This is the definition of X syndrome (metabolic syndrome) from Wikipedia:

“Metabolic syndrome is a combination of medical disorders that, when occurring together, increase the risk of developing cardiovascular disease and diabetes. It affects one in five people in the United States and prevalence increases with age. Some studies have shown the prevalence in the USA to be an estimated 25% of the population.

Metabolic syndrome is also known as metabolic syndrome X, cardio metabolic syndrome, syndrome X, insulin resistance syndrome, Reaven’s syndrome (named for Gerald Reaven), and CHAOS (in Australia).”

The symptoms of syndrome X begin when the body becomes resistant to insulin. This can happen for many reasons. One of the most common reasons for this condition is obesity. However, it is not the only reason by any means. Our bodies are designed to consume and digest natural whole foods found in our environments. History shows us that we were made to be hunters and gatherers and eat the foods found around us naturally, much like the other mammals on the planet. The process of obtaining food also made humans very active. There was work and exercise involved in getting food.

Fast forward thousands of years and we have become a society that eats processed everything and the majority of our days are spent on our back sides. Since we consume foods much higher in processed sugars, simple carbohydrates, and unhealthy fats, our food gets digested much faster and the body becomes resistant to the insulin hormone.

The insulin hormone is manufactured by the pancreas to help the body metabolize complex sugars and carbohydrates slowly and turn them into energy to be used by the body. When the body is not receiving the correct types of nutrients, it becomes resistant to metabolic hormones, such as insulin.

This process can lead to many conditions including syndrome X (metabolic syndrome) and type II diabetes.


Common Symptoms of Syndrome X


Syndrome X symptoms are similar to the early symptoms of diabetes. These symptoms can include:

  • Rapid, unexplained weight gain
  • Excessive thirst
  • Frequent Urination
  • Extreme, unexplainable hunger
  • Intense cravings
  • Rapid Pulse, High Blood Pressure, Dizziness, Headaches
  • Rapid Respirations, Shortness of Breath, Difficulty Catching Breath


If you are suffering from one of these symptoms or a combination of these symptoms, contact your doctor immediately to discuss your concerns. Your doctor can run a few simple tests to diagnose syndrome X, other metabolic disorders, or diabetes.


Treatment of X Syndrome Symptoms


If you have been diagnosed with syndrome X, but do not have diabetes yet, you can make changes now to cure syndrome X and prevent diabetes or other metabolic disorders.

There are oral medications available to help the body utilize insulin properly. This may be necessary to get your condition under control initially. However, a few basic lifestyle changes can pay dividends in you overall health and wellbeing. Lifestyle changes are essential to curing syndrome X and preventing bigger metabolic problems in the future.

We all hear about the obesity epidemic, poor eating habits, obesity in our youth, processed and refined foods, and the list continues. We continue to hear the warnings and watch and read news related to these issues. Yet, we continue to live the way we live and figure that these issues will not affect us.

Unfortunately, these issues are affecting us. The key to curing syndrome X is a diet rich in fresh vegetables, fresh lean proteins, complex carbohydrates, and organic fruits. We also need to amp up our activity and get moving. The cure for syndrome X and other metabolic disorders is, “No more excuses!” There are hundreds of healthy, wholesome, delicious, unprocessed alternatives available to us. There are hundreds of free diet, exercise and nutrition articles and programs available. Exercise is as easy as putting on your shoes, standing up, and putting one foot in front of the other several times a week. There are many herbs and natural products that can help your body utilize insulin properly and metabolize blood sugar, as well.


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