Vision diabetes complications can occur at varying levels for several different reasons. Diabetic retinopathy is a serious eye condition caused by poorly controlled diabetes. However, just because you are having some blurred vision in diabetes does not mean that you are having major eye issues. It is a warning sign to monitor your blood sugar closely and consult an eye doctor if you have not done so recently.


Why Are Blurred Vision and Diabetes Related?


High blood sugar, also known as hyperglycemia, causes the lenses inside the eye to become swollen, thus distorting or blurring the vision. This side affect is reversible and can be remedied if blood sugar is brought back into normal ranges. However, it can take up to 3 months of maintaining normal blood sugars for this condition to correct itself. For most people, you want your normal blood sugar ranges to be falling between 80 to 140 mg/dL prior to meals and 100 to 160 mg/dL after meals.

If you are continuing to notice vision loss due to diabetes, but your blood sugar seems to be controlled well, consult your physician for an appointment. It is also recommended that you make an appointment with an eye doctor.


Diabetes and Blurry Vision: Professional Recommendations


The American Diabetes Association (ADA) has several recommendations regarding vision checks in diabetes patients. Keep in mind that these recommendations by the ADA are for dilated pupil eye examinations.

The ADA recommends that diabetic patients between the ages of 10 and 29 who have been diagnosed with diabetes for at least 5 years have an eye exam annually.

The ADA also recommends that diabetic patients over 30 years old have annual eye examinations, regardless of the length of time with a diabetes diagnosis.

The ADA also recommends eye examinations of all diabetic women who are pregnant or are planning on becoming pregnant. It is also a good idea for women diagnosed with gestational diabetes to have an eye examination.

It is important to remember that we only have one set of eyes. There can be serious vision ramifications in people with diabetes, especially if the condition is not well controlled. Uncontrolled diabetes can lead to diabetic retinopathy, cataracts, and blindness. Thus, regardless of the length of time you have had diabetes or your age, make sure you are getting regular vision checks. If you start to notice changes in your vision, it is better to catch the problem early than to catch it when it is too late to fix it. Thus, if you are experiencing vision changes make an appointment and get your vision checked immediately.


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