Sore feet and diabetes are often found together for a number of reasons. One must understand that diabetics have the same types of problems as everyone else, they are just more intense, happen more frequently, and happen at an early age at than they would for non-diabetics. Therefore sore feet and diabetes can occur for any number of reasons.


Sore Feet from Diabetes


Sore feet can be a direct result of diabetes as well. According to the American Diabetes Association, sore feet and diabetes complications may be due to:

Neuropathy – Neuropathy (nerve damage) can lessen your ability to feel pain in your feet, which can lead to great injury. A person with diabetes should always wear shoes for this very reason. In some severe cases of neuropathy, the damaged nerves cause the signals to the brain to be distorted to the point where even the slightest touch can cause severe pain.

Skin Changes – Since diabetes causes dehydration, skin can become dry and crack or peel easily. Neuropathy can also cause the nerves which control moisture and oil levels in your feet to no longer work properly.

Calluses – Calluses build up faster in people with diabetes. Therapeutic shoes and inserts can help control this. Diabetics should get a professional to help them with their calluses.

Foot Ulcers – Ulcers are usually due to poorly fitting shoes. Neglecting them can lead to infection and possibly the loss of a limb.

Poor Circulation – Poor circulation can make you less able to fight infection, leading to even more problems with diabetes and sore feet. Try to keep your feet warm by wearing warm socks.


 Sore Feet with Diabetes


The most common reasons for sore feet diabetes symptoms are obesity and improper footwear. Losing weight can help reduce the strain on your feet and may be a recommendation. However, it is difficult to exercise when you are in pain. Eating healthier and eating smaller portions is therefore recommended for diabetes sore feet. It is good to continue to walk for exercise at the very least. Over-the-counter anti-inflammatory painkillers are therefore recommended while exercising and losing weight. Proper footwear is also essential. Diabetics should use the following items to help with sore feet and diabetes:

  • Crew Length Socks
  • Orthopedic shoes
  • Diabetic socks
  • Diabetic shoes
  • Therapeutic shoe inserts
  • Therapeutic foot washes or creams