Polyphagia is a term used to describe excess hunger, “poly” meaning too much and “phagia” meaning food. Polyphagia and diabetes have always been connected. Polyphagia is one of the major symptoms of diabetes. Polyphagia and diabetes are not always related, however. Polyphagia may also be an indicator of other diseases such as Prader-Willi Syndrome and Kleine Syndrome. So, you should not assume that just because you have polyphagia that you also have diabetes. Some people may experience polyphagia even if they have no disorders at all. It can be come on suddenly due to our age, exercise level, size, or any number or reasons.

In cases where polyphagia and diabetes are found together, polyphagia diabetes may become so excessive that it is hard to control. What happens in diabetes is your cells cannot intake the glucose (sugar) in your blood and use it for energy. So, your brain receives a signal to your brain that you need food and as much of it as possible. Your brain then tells your body that you are hungry. Diabetes polyphagia may even occur after you have just eaten. So, obviously eating more isn’t going to help. If you feel like you may have polyphagia and diabetes, then talk to your doctor.


Polyphagia Diabetes Mellitus


You say to yourself “Ok, I’m supposed to be controlling my weight and blood sugar levels, and I’m only supposed to eat at certain times, but I am so hungry right now.”

So, what can a person do about polyphagia and diabetes? Constant hunger caused by polyphagia diabetes is one of the hardest parts of dealing with the disease. Fitday.com offers some solutions to help with controlling polyphagia in diabetes. They are:

Take a Walk – Taking a brisk walk will help you to keep your mind off of food. It also is a great way to exercise, which is what you need to do if you have diabetes anyway. Plus, exercise help to keep your blood sugar levels balanced because it helps your cells to intake blood sugar. So, with your cells getting an avid supply of blood sugar your excess hunger goes away.

Chew Gum – Chewing gum actually tricks your body into thinking that you are eating. Therefore it curves you hunger for a little while. Try to chew sugar free gum so that your blood sugar levels don’t rise.

Eat Protein – Eat foods that provide you with a healthy amount of protein, such as turkey, chicken, tofu, and yogurt. They will help you stay fuller longer.