Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a condition in which there is an imbalance of a woman’s female sex hormones. PCOS and metabolic syndrome are both conditions that are due to insulin resistance and obesity. Metabolic syndrome is known as a group of risk factors that commonly occur together and increase the risk of developing cardiovascular disease and diabetes. Women who have PCOS are at an increased risk of developing metabolic syndrome.

Although PCOS carries some of the same underlying causes, physicians still don’t know exactly how PCOS and metabolic syndrome are related. It is also known that PCOS and metabolic syndrome have other conditions in common. One is a predisposition to developing blood clots. Another other is a consistent state of inflammation throughout the body, according to PCOS.about.com. Women with PCOS should speak with their doctor about their risk factors for developing metabolic syndrome, before PCOS and metabolic syndrome can lead into more dangerous conditions.


Inflammation, PCOS, and Metabolic Syndrome


Inflammation is a natural response made by the body’s immune system in reaction to harmful stimuli. In PCOS and metabolic syndrome the “invader” is thought to be excess insulin levels in the bloodstream brought about by insulin resistance. In reaction to these insulin levels the body produces C-reactive protein (CRP). According to PCOS.InsuliteLabs.com, the protein also helps to form plaque in the arteries, which damages the walls of the arteries and impedes blood flow. This can eventually put the person at risk of a heart attack or a stroke.

The good part is that scientists believe this inflammation may be a help in predicting conditions like PCOS and metabolic syndrome, as well as more dangerous conditions like Pre-diabetes, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. This way people who have PCOS or metabolic syndrome may be able to begin preventative methods far earlier. Hopefully, this will slow the development of the world’s diabetes epidemic.

If you know that you are at risk of any of these conditions, you can begin practicing preventative methods that will help you to avoid, or at least delay them. The first thing that you must do is lose any excess weight or maintain a healthy weight. You can accomplish this feat by staying on a healthy diet and exercising for 30 minutes each day. Talk to your doctor about how to begin exercising. If you are overweight or not used to exercising, you may need to start out at just 15 minutes a day. Dietary recommendations include lowering the amount of saturated fats and your sodium intake, while eating plenty of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains.