Obesity-related diabetes is a form of diabetes that occurs in individuals who have a Body Mass Index (BMI) of twenty-seven or greater. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, eighty percent of people who have been diagnosed with diabetes are overweight or obese.As the numbers on the scale rise, so do the chances of developing this condition. Overweight people are ten times more likely to develop the disease than people with a healthy BMI are and obese people are eighty times more liable.
People who suffer from diabetes related to obesity have an issue in manufacturing enough insulin or are simply unable to utilize that insulin. This is a huge problem for anyone, let alone an individual who is carrying excess weight. In order to regulate blood sugar levels, the body will try to produce more insulin, which will aggravate already high levels and eventually lead to Type 2 diabetes.
The additional pounds exacerbate the disease by raising insulin resistance and glucose tolerance, which makes conventional methods of treatment difficult, if not impossible. As two-thirds of the nation’s people are considered overweight and half of those people areclassified as obese, the problem of obesity related to diabetesis on the rise.
How is Obesity Related to Diabetes?
How is obesity related to diabetes is a question that anyone that suffers from Type 2 diabetes and is overweight, may ponder. To ask that question is an admittance of not understanding the disease and all of its manifestations. Diabetes is a condition that does not tread lightly on the body and mind, but rather, wreaks havoc on each and any organ that has related blood glucose function. Essentially, this description excludes no part of the body.
The primary offense is on the heart and related diseases like congestive heart failure, angina, and abnormal heart rhythms. Not only does extra weight strain the heart and raise blood pressure, but also it could cause stroke, kidney damage, or heart attack. People with obesity-related diabetessuffer from heart damage mainly because their diet often increases blood lipid levels, which increasestriglyceride levels while decreasing high-density lipoprotein, or the good cholesterol.
Another malady attributed to obesity related to diabetesis Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, which is a hormonal imbalance in women who are in their childbearing years and are overweight or obese. This disease can cause mild issues such as excess hair growth, ovarian cysts, and irregular periods, and more extreme ones such as infertility and insulin resistance. Men do not suffer from this condition, but can have similar difficulties with reproduction, irregularities, and sexual dysfunction.
How is Obesity Related to Diabetes and how to overcome it?
Hormones play an important role in regulating the body and imbalances can create alarming disturbances. When the thyroid is under or over active, the body can experience weight gain or loss as this organ regulates metabolism. Keeping weight in a normal range is optimal for good health. Losing weight has been shown to reduce cholesterol, LDL, and triglyceride levels, and increase HDL.
Addressing all of these factors in a positive way will support the maintenance and treatment of diabetes. Considering that diabetes can be prevented or treated with a healthy diet and exercise, it seems conclusive not to inquire how is diabetes related to obesity, but rather how can obesity be overcome, in order to conquer diabetes.