Healthcare costs are rising, and many people are beginning to turn to natural and alternative treatment to cure their ailments. Most natural cures for diabetes 2 have been proven effective, and sometimes have even brought about reversal of the disease. These natural cures for diabetes 2 should not be used in replacement of your medication, diet, or exercise. They should be used in addition to standard treatment, and you physician should be informed of them. Effective natural treatments for diabetes include:

Ginseng – Ginseng, particularly North American ginseng, has been showed to improve both blood sugar and glycosylated hemoglobin levels over time.

Chromium – Chromium is a trace mineral that helps the body to respond properly to insulin. There are conflicting studies of whether or not it is helpful in treatment; however, people with diabetes do tend to have low levels of chromium in there system.

Magnesium – Magnesium is found in leafy green vegetables, nuts, seeds, and whole grains, as well as many other foods. It has been known to regulate bloods sugar levels and also may help with immune function, blood pressure, bone health, nerve function, and heart rhythm.

Cinnamon – Studies have shown that cinnamon improve blood glucose control as well as reducing triglycerides, LDL cholesterol, and total cholesterol. It is one of the best natural cures for diabetes type 2.


Diabetes 2 Natural Treatments


Nothing will ever replace diet and exercise as the best natural cures for diabetes 2. There are natural treatments that can be helpful alongside of them though. One such treatment is acupuncture. Acupuncture offers relief in chronic pain and diabetic neuropathy (nerve damage).

Another typically used natural treatment for diabetes 2 is biofeedback. This technique helps people be more aware of the pain so that they may be more able to deal with the body’s response to pain. It uses relaxation and stress-reduction techniques in order to do so. In addition, guided imagery may be used. In this practice, a person thinks of peaceful mental images, and many claim that this technique has eased their symptoms immensely.

Keeping track of the supplements, ingredients, and treatments in the use of alternative methods is important. Remember, your doctor keeps a record of any records in the doctor’s office, but when using alternative methods you are usually the only one to keep track. Not only will this allow you to look back at what worked and what didn’t, but it is a wise things to have if your methods have any undesired effects.