Itching legs diabetes symptoms are more common than you might think. Itching legs diabetes symptoms occur more frequently with improper management of blood sugar levels. There are a number of reasons why this may occur, however. Most commonly itching in the legs is brought about by poor circulation. Itching legs diabetes symptoms may also be caused by yeast infections, fungal infections, poor circulation, or dry skin.
One reason for itching leg diabetes symptoms could be Necrobiosisdiabeticorum (NDL). This disorder can be caused by changes in the blood vessels. It begins with a dull raised area on the skin which turns into a shiny scar-like spot which has a velvet border. NLD is itchy and painful, and sometimes the sores even crack open. You should visit your doctor anytime that you have a sore in diabetes.
Itching legs diabetes symptoms may also occur if you have poorly controlled type-1 diabetes. A condition called Eruptive Xanthomatosis, or Eruptive X. In this condition yellow pea-like bumps appear. Each of these has a red ‘halo’ surrounding them. The person usually has high cholesterol and fat in their blood when this condition appears. Typically it will go away once your blood sugar is back under control (, 2012).
Itching Legs and Diabetes Infections
Anyone that has had diabetes for a while probably knows that skin irritations are just part of living with the disease. Other people get these types of problems too; it is just that as a diabetic, you are far more susceptible. In addition, people with diabetes often have bad circulation. If this is the case, your circulation is worse in your extremities such as your legs, arms, feet, and hands. Therefore, you are more prone to localized itching on the lower part of the legs.
Remember that getting emotionally upset or stressed is only going to make the itching worse. In fact, stress could be the root cause of your itching, so make sure that you are taking time to relax daily and putting worries aside for a while. Pay close attention to your skin since diabetics are more prone to infection than others. Your legs and feet should definitely get the most attention, and a doctor should be seen if there is any sign of infection at all. According to, there are seven things which you can do to keep this itching to a minimum:
- Avoid daily baths, especially when the humidity is low
- Leave a tiny bit of water on your skin after drying off
- Pat, don’t rub, yourself dry after bathing
- Use a humidifier at home
- Use a moisture-holding ointment or cream after bathing
- Use gentle moisturizing soup
- Use lukewarm water when bathing