Insulin resistance polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a hormonal and metabolic condition that menstruating women and teenagers endure. Most women with this disease are in their childbearing years, but symptoms of the disease can manifest in the teen years. Medical professionals estimate that up to 25% percent of females worldwide suffer from this condition, and may experience excess weight, increased facial hair, abnormal menstrual cycles, acne, infertility, and atypical glucose metabolism.
According to the Journal of Diabetes, 70% of PCOS patients have insulin resistance and, of those individuals, at least 10% have diabetes.An abundance of cysts that are found along the outer edges of an ovary coincides with increased female and male hormones, estrogen, and androgen respectively. Another hormone that becomes irregular is insulin, which is produced by the pancreas and is responsible for lowering the body’s blood sugar and metabolizing fat stores for energy.
When individuals are insulin resistant, their body cannot utilize insulin in order to maintain proper blood glucose levels and energy. To combat this issue, the pancreas begins to produce additional glucose. This excess of insulin affects how the liver reduces abnormal sugar levels and it actually produces more glucose,which exacerbates the problem and causes the ovaries to start secreting hormones improperly in women with insulin resistance polycystic ovarian syndrome.
These reactions can result in a host of other secondary problems, namely changes in blood pressure, kidney impairment, and fat and cholesterol metabolism in addition to the aforementioned issues. Women who have numerous cysts may have thickened uterine walls,which do not allow normal ovulation, and could lead to complications in conceiving. At this advanced stage, women should experience overt symptoms of polycystic ovary insulin resistance.
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome and Insulin Resistance – Symptoms
Symptoms of polycystic ovarian syndrome insulin resistance are marked by painful, irregular, or heavy periods as numerous cysts and excessive estrogen invade the ovaries and cause a backlog of hormones into the fallopian tubes. Acne can also be a complication of too much estrogen and women may find it on their face as well as their back and chest.Probably the most frustrating symptomin this category is difficulty in conceiving or even infertility. Women may also notice that they suddenly have hair in places that normally only grow on a man, like the chin, mouth, chest, and back, which are due to the release of androgen hormones.
Because of the insulin resistance and abnormal glucose metabolisms, some women will be unable to properly use and store fat and sugar. They may become overweight and obese, which typically leads to more problems with high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and high triglyceride levels.
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome and Insulin Resistance – Treatment
Treatment of insulin resistance and polycystic ovarian syndrome may include frequent trips to the doctor to monitor the disease. Regular physical examinations are imperative to ensure normal ranges of blood pressure, and glucose and lipid levels. It is important to alert the physician of any new ailments. He may also advise the individual to make changes to their lifestyle, including diet modification and daily exercise. Losing weight, if overweight, is helpful as weight reduction may somewhat normalize insulin and androgen secretion and ovulation may commence.
Taking a low-dose of progesterone and estrogen birth control may help to regulate menstrual cycles and reduce hair growth. These hormones will reduce the production of androgen, and may help prevent certain cancers and bleeding. Using an oral contraceptive may not be the best choice for women who are trying to get pregnant, so they should resort to other alternative methods first.
Surgery to remove cysts, reduce dangerous androgen levels, and stimulate follicle production may be recommended for qualifying patients. Surgery is never without risks, so all other methods should be examined prior to making this decision.