Gaining info on diabetes is a smart thing to do, especially if you already have the disease. It is also important to understand the disease if it runs in your family, as you could be susceptible to it. Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disease in which the body does not produce enough insulin. Insulin is the hormone that allows the cells to absorb sugar from the bloodstream and turn it into energy. When the cells cannot absorb this sugar, it builds up in the bloodstream. Overtime, this excess sugar becomes damaging to the body. Reading this article will help you gain info on diabetes.
Type 2 Diabetes Info
In type 2 diabetes the body either does not produce insulin or is resistant to the insulin it makes. Insulin resistance is condition in which there is enough insulin in the body, but the cells fail to use it properly. In most cases, type 2 diabetes occurs slowly overtime. Being overweight increases the likelihood that a person will get the disease. Genetics play a large role in a person getting the disease, and sometimes the disease is directly linked to genes. In most cases lifestyle choices, such as high alcohol intake and a sedentary lifestyle, trigger the disease.
There are several types of medications that are used to treat the disease, but most of the treatment of this disease starts at home. Type-2 diabetics must carefully monitor their blood sugar and be sure that they do not intake too many sugars in their diets. Foods containing carbohydrates such as bread and corn should be eaten in low quantities. The time of day a person eats, when they take their medications, and whether a person is sick or stressed are also factors that affect blood sugar.
Type 1 Diabetes Info
Type-1 diabetes most often affects children, adolescents, and young adults. It is different from other forms of diabetes. This is an autoimmune disease in which the body attacks the beta cells of the pancreas. These beta cells can no longer produce insulin, and therefore the person has to intake insulin through other means. Type 1 diabetes also may be passed down through families.
It is important for caretakers to gather info about diabetes. It is also just as important for children should intake info on diabetes as well. There are many diabetes info websites made primarily for children so that kids can learn and gather info on diabetes. They include:
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