Inflammation and metabolic syndrome seem to feed off of each other. However, at this time, scientists are not exactly sure of the connection. According to some recent studies referenced in an article in Science Daily called, Low-Carb Diet Reduces Inflammation And Blood Saturated Fat In Metabolic Syndrome, it is believed that excess carbohydrates lead to inflammation in the cells due to a hormone release that occurs because the body becomes unable to metabolize the carbohydrates properly.

According to a study done by the University of Connecticut, it is believed that a diet low in fat and higher in carbohydrates actually increases inflammatory markers. Jeff Volek, PhD, RD, is the lead researcher and associate professor of kinesiology at the University of Connecticut. According to Jeff, the results from a recent study added “to the evolving picture of improvement in general health beyond simple weight loss in keeping blood glucose and insulin under control.” The sub-study is part of a bigger study, which is being reviewed, that showed many improvements in blood fat. The study concluded that “lowering total and saturated fat only had a small effect on circulating inflammatory markers whereas reducing carbohydrate led to considerably greater reductions in a number of pro-inflammatory cytokines, chemokines, and adhesion molecules. These data implicate dietary carbohydrate rather than fat as a more significant nutritional factor contributing to inflammatory processes.”


Inflammation and Metabolic Syndrome: The Complications


According to the International Diabetes Association, metabolic syndrome is a condition that occurs when somebody has been diagnosed with obesity (BMI >30) along with two additional lifestyle illnesses. These illnesses can include:

Diagnosed insulin resistant diabetes

Blood sugar readings greater than 100 while fasting

Elevated blood pressure above 130/85

Decreased HDL levels below 50 (women) and 40 (men)

Triglycerides over 150

There are many complications related to inflammation and metabolic syndrome. It was initially thought that increased fat in the diet lead to complications and inflammation related to metabolic syndrome.

It is now believed that a diet high in carbohydrates affects inflammation related to metabolic syndrome much more than a high fat diet does. This occurs because carbohydrates stimulate insulin secretion, which leads to the body wanting to store fat instead of burning (metabolizing) it.


Inflammation and Metabolic Syndrome: The Treatment


It is extremely important to treat inflammation and metabolic syndrome properly to avoid medical complications. Your physician will prescribe a specific treatment plan that can include lifestyle changes and medications. If you are having a difficult time following your treatment plan or it does not seem effective, contact your physician to discuss alternatives.

Diet can play a huge role in treating both inflammation and metabolic syndrome. It may be necessary for you to meet with a dietician to discuss an adequate diet to treat your condition. It may also be recommended that you see a specialist regarding your condition. Weight loss can be an extremely effective way to control and even cure this condition. Discuss weight loss with your physician to make sure you are following a program that is healthy for you.