Does diabetes cause hair loss? It can contribute to the thinning of the hair. Diabetes is a disease that is hormone related and can cause the hair to thin. “Does diabetes cause hair loss?” is a questioned raised by more than a few diabetics. And it is a legitimate question because many diabetics notice their hair becoming thinner. But before concluding that the diabetes is causing the hair loss, other possibilities need to be explored, because many things can cause hair loss other than diabetes.


Why does Diabetes Cause Hair Loss?


Diabetes often results in poor blood circulation, which can affect the way the hair follicles act. Usually, hair will grow in cycles of between two and six years and then go into a period of dormancy, or no growth. After this period, the hair falls out and the follicle will produce a new strand of hair to replace it. So how does diabetes cause hair loss? When the follicle pushes out the old hair, the poor blood circulation will cause the follicle to not grow a new replacement strand of hair. Multiple this by all of the hair follicles in the head, and if many of them are affected, the result will be a thinner head of hair. The poor blood circulation caused by the diabetes accelerates the falling out of the hair, and the replacement strand’s growth is delayed or postponed.


Does Diabetes Cause Hair Loss as a Side Effect of Medication?


This is not a common problem, and there is no evidence that suggests insulin causes hair loss or slows the growth of hair. But other medications that diabetics may take either for their symptoms or for the diabetes may have hair loss as a side effect. Many diabetics are stressed and taking medications for it. The side effects of some of these medicines may include hair loss and just being stressed out is a known risk factor for losing hair.


For the diabetic, immune system health is clearly important


Besides the medications you may be prescribed, it’s important to eat nutritionally balanced and healthy diets, exercise regularly, and avoid stress and other environmental factors that are detrimental to your health. The better your overall health, the better condition your immune system is likely to be in.


Does Diabetes Cause Hair Loss in Pets?


In any pet, illness is a major contributor to hair loss. Diabetic pets, especially dogs, seem to commonly lose hair, and lose the normal gloss of their coat of hair. Other causes of hair loss in dogs include stress and thyroid disease.