Frequent diabetic urination is normal. When there is excess sugar in the blood the kidneys work harder to remove it. When this happens, fluid is taken from bodily tissues to help move the sugar to the urine. This leads a person to become dehydrated and thirst, and therefore more liquid is consumed, leading to even more frequent diabetic urination. However, it is not bad to consume more water, even though it may cause you to take more bathroom breaks. Drinking water helps the body to remove the excess sugar.


Common Diabetic Urination Problems


Diabetes can cause problems throughout the body. This includes problems with the urinary system. According to, common diabetic urination problems include:

Urinary incontinence – Urinary leakage is often a problem among diabetics. Fortunately there are many treatment options for this condition such as medications, timed voiding, electrical stimulations, Kegel exercises, and surgery.

Nerve damage – Nerve damage is common among diabetics and can cause many diabetic urination problems if the nerves that control the sphincter muscles are damaged. For example, if the muscles that control urination cannot tighten it can lead to leakage. On the other hand, if they will not loosen then it may be difficult to urinate. There is medication available to remedy this. So, ask your doctor about what treatment options are available if you are having these types of problems.

Urine retention – Urine retention is the body’s inability to empty the bladder properly and completely. This can lead to urine leakage, kidney damage, kidney infections and bladder infections. In cases such as this some people must use a catheter to drain urine, but in less severe case medication, therapy, exercise, or surgery may remedy the problem.

Urinary tract infections – Since diabetics tend to have a weakened immune system, frequent infections are a major problem. Urinary tract infections are one of the most common types of infections that occur in diabetes because high levels of blood glucose create a fertile breeding ground for fungi and bacteria. Common symptoms of urinary tract infections include pain or burning when urinating, urine which is red or cloudy, and frequent urination. If the kidneys become infected, a person may experience nausea, back pain, side pain, and/or fever. Infections can be easily treated with antibiotics if caught soon, so don’t hesitate to visit your doctor or a member of your health care team if you are experiencing any of these symptoms.


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