At the core of diabetes is the body’s inability to properly absorb glucose into his or her blood cells, so what is the proper diabetic solution? If the subject’s body does not produce enough or any insulin (a hormone created by the pancreas whose function it is to facilitate glucose absorption by blood cells,) they will be diagnosed with a condition known as type 1 diabetes. Type 2 diabetes, on the other hand, is a condition wherein the body may produce enough insulin, but the body’s blood cells do not allow it to perform normally, ie. by allowing blood cells to absorb glucose. 95 percent of diabetics in the United States suffer from the latter, type 2 diabetes.

Individuals who have been diagnosed with type 1 diabetes must generally perform insulin injections, as their body does not create enough of the substance internally to allow it to function as necessary. The disease is normally diagnosed early in an individual’s life, at which point external insulin needs to be added to prevent future problems. These self-administered insulin injections allow the type 1 diabetic to live normally, albeit with the necessity to remember the injections that will allow their bodies to maintain a healthy bloodstream.

Type 2 diabetics, who may very well produce enough insulin internally but have blood cells that do not interact with it properly, must often change their lifestyle as a whole to combat the disease. Many doctors recommend these lifestyle changes come in the form of a healthier daily regimen overall; dietary changes (removal of trans fats and processed flours from the diet in favor of foods high in fiber and whole grains,) a focus on exercise and general well-being, improved sleep habits and the removal of any negative external influences such as smoking or high-stress situations from a type 2 diabetic’s life become crucial for the individual in question to remain healthy.


Prevention, Treatment and a Healthy Body


To minimize the potential factors that can lead to diabetes, one must do the same things that a person who has already been diagnosed with the disease must do. A healthy diet is something that should be part of everyone’s life. Foods high in fiber and whole grains promote healthy blood, whereas foods that are high in sugar and fat do the opposite. There are many herbs that help to naturally increase the body’s ability to produce insulin, or that aid in the absorption of glucose by blood cells – some of these herbs include ginseng and ginkgo, and they can be prepared in a way that relaxes both the mind and body, while providing their beneficial natural properties in the fight against diabetes. Reducing stress on a day-to-day basis and getting the right amount of exercise are important for the diabetic and the non-diabetic alike. Diabetes affects a disproportionate amount of people who live a non-active lifestyle, and many doctors recommended that with only half an hour a day of exercise, it is possible to ward off obesity and the sedentary style of living that will often be a major contributing factor in the development of diabetes.

It is possible to find the diabetic solution that is right for any individual’s case. There are myriad resources available through doctors, at libraries, at bookstores and on the internet. If a diabetic person remains vigilant and dedicated to getting rid of their disease, they will be able to take their life into their own hands and take the right steps toward creating a healthy body and mind, and they will be able to look forward to living a long, happy and productive life as a result of their own actions.