Among the complications associated with diabetes is the occurrence of diabetic leg problems. Diabetics tend to have poor circulation, which leads to the restriction of veins. This makes it difficult for the necessary amount of blood to flow to the legs and feet. Because of this, many patients complain of burning in their lower legs and feet. Strong pain is another side effect. But diabetic leg problems don’t stop there. Often, when people with the disease experience small cuts on their lower legs and feet, their poor circulation results in diabetic foot ulcers. This is because a sufficient amount of blood is not reaching the sores to heal them as fast as a normal person’s skin heals. This allows the unhealed wound more time for an infection to set in.
Numbness is also a diabetic leg problem that people commonly experience. If left untreated, it can cause severe health issues. Numbness is another factor that contributes to the development of diabetic foot ulcers, because it reduces feeling in the feet and lower legs. Because of this, minor cuts and scrapes may go unnoticed by a person until infection sets in.
Skin discoloration can also occur when a person is experiencing diabetic foot problems. This typically only happens in the most serious cases. Although skin along the legs may darken, redness on the feet is more common. Neuropathy is also witnessed in many diabetics who have several years of uncontrolled blood sugar levels and a high percentage of body fat. This can also cause diabetic leg problems. If left untreated, these issues can ultimately lead to amputation.
What You Can Do About Diabetic Leg Problems
When a person first learns they have diabetes, the sooner they start planning for diabetic leg problems the more likely they will be to overcome them. Taking preventative measures is the most important step when it comes to combating this issue. Developing good skin care habits is the best way to make sure serious complications don’t result from diabetes. Inspecting legs and feet every day for small cuts and scrapes is essential because when a person knows they are there they can treat them accordingly before infection becomes an issue. Keep in mind that it only takes a couple of hours in some cases for an ulcer to develop. Keeping the floor clear of tripping hazards can also cut down on the risk for developing diabetic foot problems.
Special kinds of footwear are also available to help with diabetic foot problems. Shoes made specifically for diabetics are designed to drastically reduce skin breakdown in patients. This is achieved by adding extra depth. Foot inserts are also available that accomplish the same thing. Diabetic socks can also be helpful because they are non-binding and allow the skin to breathe easily. They are also normally free of seams for extra protection.