If you seem to have a bruise that isn’t going away as quickly as normal, it may be a diabetic bruise. Bruising is sometimes a symptom of diabetes. A diabetic bruise may manifest itself in two distinct ways.

Diabetics often have a skin condition called acanthosisnigricans. In this condition, the skin will turn black or brown in the folds or creases of the body. This is hyper-pigmentation occurs becauseexcess insulin spills into the skin. It is most common in type-2 diabetics. If you are a diabetic, you may notice that the healing times with diabetes can be much longer no matter what condition you may have. So a diabetic bruise will take a much longer time than ‘usual’ to heal.

Slow healing is an indicator that something is wrong, and so is bruising easily. This should not be taken lightly. If you don’t have diabetes and notice that you are healing slower, go to the doctor and get tested for diabetes or other conditions. It is always best to know what is taking place in your body as soon as possible.


Diabetic Bruise Treatment


If you would like to find ways to stop diabetic bruising, the most recommended method is cardiovascular exercise. This creates a resistance to bruising because it toughens your skin and muscle tissues. It also toughens your capillary walls.

Those who suffer from unexplained bruising should rest and apply ice compression within 24 to 48 hours of when the bruise appeared. If the area around the bruise is swollen, the proper treatment is to wrap the area with an elastic bandage. A diabetic bruise which forms on the legs or feet should be placed in an elevated position to minimize swelling.

Gently messaging the area of the bruise will increase the blood flow to it. Eating a healthy diet of fresh fruits and vegetables will help reduce the amount of bruising that occurs. In addition, you should make sure that you get plenty of iron in your diet. This will help your body to heal. Just be sure not to overdo it; taking too much iron in a day can be harmful. Incorporating plenty of vitamin C into your diet is also wise. Green spinach, red tomatoes, yellow peppers, and citrus fruits are great sources of vitamin C. If your bruises continue after a few days, and they are accompanied by headache, nausea, or confusion, then the injury is serious and you should seek medical treatment.