In his article, Diabetes, Tension, Metaphysics, and Meditation, Larry Miller discusses how diabetes tension affects our lives and natural ways to release that tension. Larry Miller teaches classes on T’ai Chi, Qi Gong, herbal information, martial arts and other health related subjects. His article states, “There can be overabundance or lack of Qi. Think of Qi as water in a pipe. If you have a shortage of water you have inadequate pressure. If you have a blockage, the pressure can build and something has to blow.” The article continues, stating that “the needles used in acupuncture are antennas for Qi enhancement and/or dispersal; so are the pressure points in acupressure.” In other words these are ways of releasing diabetes pressure.


Diabetes Tension for Children


There are currently about 33 million diabetes patients in India. A 2008 study from India has shown that tension may be the main cause for diabetes. The article, Tension Causes Diabetes, can be found on It states that the pressure put on children to excel in academics and academic activities is causing an increase in the number of children suffering from the disease.

It is no surprise that diabetes tension and stress adds up and makes the condition worse. It is not surprising either that stress on the body can make someone susceptible to the disease. However, many people are so wrapped up in their lives and life demands so much, that people don’t even realize that they have a problem. This is especially true for people with depression, who often deny that there is a problem at all.

To be able to deal with diabetes tension or other stresses accurately, you must realize there is a problem in the first place. This will help alleviate many problems such as blood pressure, cholesterol problems, and overeating. While reading the following symptoms of stress, ask yourself if they apply to you:


Emotional and Cognitive Symptoms

  • Feeling irritable
  • Frustration when having to wait
  • Feeling restless
  • Trouble concentrating
  • Becoming confused easily
  • Having memory problems
  • Thinking negatively
  • Negative self-talk
  • Mood Swings
  • Not having enough energy


Physical Symptoms

  • Muscle tension
  • Head aches
  • Hair loss
  • Pains in the shoulders or neck
  • ‘Pounding’ or ‘racing’ heart
  • Diarrhea, irritable bowl
  • Cardiovascular disease, hypertension
  • Muscle spasms or nervous tics
  • Unexplained rashes or skin irritations
  • Sweaty palms


Stress and diabetes tension can affect your health in many more ways. If you feel stressed or depressed, it really is important to speak to your doctor. Also, keep in mind that exercise relieves stress. It is important for a diabetic to exercise anyway, and it really isn’t as hard as you might think to find time to exercise daily.