Diabetes is normally managed by a primary care physician. However, a diabetes specialist doctor can be of value in your care as well, especially if you develop complications or have difficulty managing your diabetes. Normally, a primary care doctor will align specialists for you if necessary. Still, if you are looking for better treatment or if you feel rushed in a hurried medical environment a diabetes specialist may be right for you.

One of the advantages of dealing with a diabetes specialist doctor is that they often have more experience with the disease. They have had the time and capabilities to ‘zone in’ on diabetes treatment in particular. An endocrinologist is normally what one would consider a diabetes specialist doctor. Other specialists that may be used in the treatment of diabetes are:

Podiatrists – A podiatrist is a foot doctor. They should be seen at least once a year, as diabetics are at risk of suffering nerve damage in their feet and lower limbs.

Ophthalmologists – Diabetes can lead to permanent damage of your eyes. This type of specialist in diabetes should be seen at least once a year as well.

Diabetes Educators – When first diagnosed with diabetes, your primary care physician may refer you to a diabetes educator. They help people by teaching about diabetes and the daily essentials of living with diabetes, such as meal planning, timing meals and medications, and the basics of healthy diet and exercise.

Dentists – Gum problems are common in diabetics. You should see your dentist at least every six months, and be sure to tell him that you have been diagnosed with diabetes.

Counselor and Psychologists – Dealing with the stress of having diabetes is not always easy. It may be wise, especially in the beginning, to speak with a mental health counselor or psychologist. This type of specialist for diabetes can help you cope with your feelings, stress, or changes in lifestyle.


Diabetes Specialist Nurse


Many registered nurses become certified a diabetes specialists to work specifically with diabetes patients. They help diabetics to control, understand, and manage their diabetes while assisting physicians in diabetes care. It often costs less for a patient to see a nurse practitioner or diabetes nurse specialist than to see a diabetes doctor specialist. They are fully equipped to handle routine check-ups or routine problems. A diabetes specialist nurse can also change medical doses, carry out physical exams, order clinical exams, interpret laboratory work, and prescribe medications without counseling with a doctor.


Endocrinologist Diabetes Specialist


An endocrinologist is a doctor who specializes in diseases which affect your glands. They know how to treat complex conditions that may involve many systems within your body. They are also involved in treating and restoring hormonal imbalances. They specialize in treating conditions such as diabetes, thyroid diseases, and metabolic disorders.

Searching for an endocrinologist is easy. One great way to find an endocrinologist or diabetes specialist in your area is to search the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists’ website, AACE.com. This site allows you to search by city and state, as well as by specialties such as diabetes pregnancy, thyroid conditions, and obesity.

Wellness.com is another great site to visit when looking for a diabetes specialist doctor. The site allows you to search your area for many types of doctors, including endocrinologists. You can even find a diabetes specialist for your pet. The best part about the site is you can review how other people have rated each particular doctor.