If you have diabetes, there is no doubt that you are looking for some type of diabetes relief. Relief from diabetes symptoms can come any many different forms such as diabetic socks and shoes, medications, or alternative treatments. No matter what type of diabetes you have and what complications have followed there is some sort of diabetes relief available.


Physical Diabetes Relief


Physical diabetes relief can come in many forms. People most commonly seek foot pain relief in diabetes because of diabetic neuropathy. To start, use supportive shoes, diabetic socks, and foot support inserts. This will relieve pain caused by your foot rubbing in the inside of the shoe. Foot exercises, massages, and foot rolling devices are excellent ways to keep the foot from becoming stiff.

The American Society of Pain Educators recently decided that proper pain relief was not being administered well enough and created guidelines for diabetic pain. Duloxetine and pregabalin were stated to be highly effective medicines. Furthermore, gabapentin and venlafaxine were stated to be very helpful in lessening nerve pain.

Aside from prescription medications, there are other techniques that may bring about diabetes relief. For example, walking regularly and no longer using elastic socks can alleviate leg pain. Other techniques for relieving diabetes pain include:

  • Over-the-counter medications
  • Hypnosis
  • Relaxation training
  • Biofeedback
  • Acupuncture
  • Transcutaneious electronic nerve stimulation (TENS)


Relief from Diabetes


An article found on Ezinearticles.com outlines how water can bring about diabetes relief. The article, Diabetes Relief – How Alkaline Water Can Help, states that a study was conducted in a Korean hospital and patients were divided into two groups.  One group continued taking their insulin, and the second group drank only ionized alkaline water. The group that drank this water maintained stable levels. The water is said to work as a powerful anti-oxidant which neutralizes free radicals.

According to YogaTherapyWeb.com, yoga should be practiced before meals, either in the morning or the evening. Practice should be done for 40 to 60 minutes, depending on your comfort level. Several poses have been found especially helpful in providing diabetes relief. These include:

  • Dhanurasana (bow pose)
  • Paschimottanasana (seated forward bend)
  • Padangusthansana (head to toe pose)
  • Bhyjangasana (cobra pose)


Proper posturing and breathing relaxes the nervous system, releasing tension and stress. In addition, yogic abdominal breathing stimulates proper pancreatic function and raises your blood oxygen levels. Meditation has been known to help endocrine function as well.