Diabetes in adults is usually type-2 diabetes.  However, there are times in which latent autoimmune diabetes in adults occurs. Unlike type-1 diabetes, type-2 diabetes is preventable. By living a healthy lifestyle with a good diet and plenty of exercise type-2 diabetes can be avoided.

Diet is essential in preventing type-2 diabetes in adults. The over-intake of carbohydrates usually is a trigger to those already predisposed to the disease. Eating fruits, vegetables, and foods high in whole grains is a start for good diet habits. It will also prepare a person for the diet that needs to be kept if they do end up with type-2 diabetes. Exercising a minimum of 30 minutes daily will also help to thwart the disease.


Diabetes in Young Adults


Type-2 diabetes does not usually form in adults before the age of 40, although it can occur at any age. Typically, diabetes in young adults is type-1, or insulin dependent, diabetes. In this type of diabetes a person cannot produce their own insulin. Therefore, they must take insulin through other means, such as through a needle or insulin pump. Type-1 diabetes used to be known as juvenile diabetes because it tends to occur in children and young adults.

In one study, cited by The American Diabetes Association, found that young adults with diabetes tend to have trouble keeping up with their health care. As they grow from childhood to adult, their concentration shifts from taking care of their disease to issues such as graduating from school, moving away from home, and building relations. In addition, they are shifted from a family-focused pediatric environment to an environment where they are suddenly expected to take responsibility of their own self-care. Although other changes in the healthcare system are called for by this study, it is shown that a child’s strong relationship with his/her pediatrician is the strongest factor of whether or not they continue to follow-up with their self-care.


Diabetes in Older Adults


Diabetes in young adults only affects about 5% of the population. Diabetes in adults that are over 65 is a far more common problem. In fact, it is estimated that about 20% of the individuals in this age group have some form of diabetes, though not all have been diagnosed. Diagnosis is crucial at this point to prevent difficult complications later on. A person within this age group should ask for diabetic testing if their doctor has not yet done so, especially if that person is overweight or genetically inclined to the disease.

Diabetes in adults that are older is typically the same as with younger diabetics. However, there are a few exceptions. Obesity is not as common in older diabetics for example. The healthcare has to be shifted, therefore, from trying to lose weight to the patient trying to gain weight. Also, exercising can be much more difficult for fragile patients. Finally, as we all know, old habits die hard. Treating diabetes in adults that are older may prove much more difficult because they require extra support and education in order to become proficient in self-monitoring their glucose.


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