If you are a diabetic, you should know that diabetes causes hypertension, or high blood pressure, in over half the cases. Sometimes it is difficult to determine which condition caused the other but the connection is undeniable. The fact that diabetes causes hypertension poses another problem because hypertension is a risk factor by itself in worsening many of the complications arising with diabetes. So it is indeed a double-edged sword.


Just Having High Blood Pressure Alone is Bad Enough.


If we disregard for a moment the possibility that diabetes causes hypertension, and that the two conditions make for a potentially deadly combination, let’s look at the increased risk of high blood pressure alone. When compared to people with normal blood pressure, patients with hypertension have an increased risk of heart disease (coronary artery disease), an increased risk of stroke, an increased risk of peripheral vascular disease, and an increased risk of heart failure.

Even pre-hypertension blood pressure readings over a ten-year period or more will have a two or three fold increased risk of developing heart disease.


How Diabetes Causes Hypertension


Having diabetes causes hypertension and other cardiovascular problems to occur at a much higher rate, because diabetes has a negative effect on the arteries, making them prone to atherosclerosis. This is also commonly referred to as hardening of the arteries.

Consistently high blood glucose levels will also narrow the arteries. This restricts the blood flow, and the more the blood flow is restricted, the higher the blood pressure will rise. Because diabetes causes hypertension and the relationship is understood between high blood glucose levels and artery damage, it is just one more reason to control blood sugar levels with a healthy diet and some regular exercise. This will help you from getting obese, or decrease your obesity, which is a contributor to both diabetes and hypertension. Hypertension causes diabetes and diabetes causes hypertension. No matter which one comes first, the situation is not good and needs to be addressed. The earlier you catch either condition, the better your chances that natural or alternative medicine will help you before you need to resort to insulin or depending on high blood pressure medication for the rest of your life.

Some blood pressure medications may actually have a negative effect on your blood sugar level. Make sure you discuss this with your doctor before you start on any prescriptions. Natural methods are always better and it’s a good idea to give them a try before resorting to pharmaceuticals. Make sure you have already stopped all your bad habits like smoking and eating poorly to give yourself a better chance.