If someone were to put sugar in your gas tank, your car would not be able to run properly. The same thing happens with diabetes and fatigue. When your cells resist glucose, they don’t have enough fuel to run on. Also, if there is too much sugar in your blood, blood doesn’t flow as well, which causes tiredness and diabetes fatigue (Diabetesselfmanagement.com, 2010).

Hypoglycemia, or low blood sugar, is another cause of fatigue. People with low blood sugar will often feel shaky or weak, be dizzy or light headed, feel like they may pass out, or have an intense urge to sleep. A diabetic may also have trouble sleeping at night because of low blood sugar, which also contributes to their fatigue diabetes symptoms.


Chronic Fatigue Diabetes


Diabetes chronic fatigue is generally linked to hypoglycemia. In fact, hypoglycemia has been found to be one of the major causes of chronic fatigue. It is believed that up to 20 percent of the adults in the western world suffer from chronic fatigue. Fortunately, the best treatment for fatigue and diabetes: a healthy diet and plenty of exercise.

People with fatigue in diabetes should be careful not to overdo it. The reason is that strenuous exercise lowers blood sugar levels.  So, after a heavy work out a person will feel as though their energy has been drained. This is because the exercise burned up all of the sugar in their blood. Always remember, whether you have fatigue in diabetes or not, take something with you to eat and water to drink when you are exercising.


Diabetes Extreme Fatigue


Extreme fatigue diabetes is often caused more by excess weight than by the diabetes itself. People that are overweight have a slower metabolism, and often a weaker stamina. Extreme fatigue with diabetes is also often seen in cases of gestational diabetes. Fatigue is fairly normal and expected in pregnancy because of the excess weight, trouble sleeping, and hormonal changes. Diabetes in pregnancy just adds that much more stress to the body.


Diabetes Fatigue Symptoms


Fatigue from diabetes often carries its own set of symptoms. One sure sign that you have fatigue is exhaustion which last for more than 24 hours after any physical or mental exercise. If this occurs or you notice any other symptoms of fatigue, speak to you doctor, particularly if you have diabetes. Some of the symptoms for diabetes and fatigue are:

  • Memory loss
  • Loss of concentration
  • Enlarged lymph nodes
  • Unexplained muscle pain
  • Severe or unusual headaches
  • Sleep which is not refreshing


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