People with diabetes are unable to control their blood sugar levels without intervention. Diabetes levels are blood glucose measurements that allow medical professionals to determine whether or not somebody has diabetes or is at risk for developing the condition. Diabetes normal glucose levels are also used by diabetics to determine what treatment options they need to use each day to properly control blood sugar.

Diabetes levels are usually measured using three different methods. Diabetes fasting blood glucose levels are usually measured in the morning before any food is consumed.  Glucose levels are also measured 2 hours after consuming food or beverages. Diabetes A1c levels are also measured. This percentage tells your physician what your blood sugar averages over a time period of about 3 months.

Normal glucose levels in people without diabetes:

  • A1c < 6%
  • 2 hours after eating < 140
  • Fasting Glucose < 100


Pre Diabetes Sugar Levels