Diabetes Mellitus is a condition that is caused by chronic hyperglycemia (high blood sugar), because of a resistance to or complete absence of insulin. Polyuria in diabetes patients, especially in those where the disease is untreated, is an embarrassing and uncomfortable problem – and unfortunately, is very common. Excess glucose in the blood gets absorbed by the kidneys, but when they become oversaturated, the extra glucose goes into the urine. The glucose causes the urine to attract water, leading to excessive urination and dehydration.


Why is the Link between Diabetes Mellitus & Polyuria So Dangerous?


Polyuria in diabetes is a very big problem, because of glucose’s ability to pull water out of the blood and into the urine. This process (called osmosis) creates a dangerous situation for those with diabetes, and polyuria becomes not just a symptom, but a cause. When the blood is depleted of water, the …