Maturity-onset diabetes, also called type 2 diabetes mellitus,is a type of diabetes that occurs individuals develop in their thirties, forties, and fifties, rather than in young adulthood. The disease results from the body’s inability to produce sufficient amounts of insulin or is resistance to the absorption of the secreted insulin. Both conditions lead to an excess of sugar in the bloodstream called hyperglycemia. Insulin is required to assist the cells with energy conversion and this lack of nutrients causes impairment in the cells. In addition, muscles, fats, and tissues that maintain an elevated level of glucose may experience irreversible damage.
Individuals normally develop maturity-onset diabetesdue to numerous factors in addition to family history. Individuals who are overweight or obese are at increased risk because of the extra strain on the body as well as the lifestyle that prompted the weight gain it. For example, a nutrient poor diet, lack …