In the treatment of diabetes, Levemir (Insulin Detemir, an injectable insulin medication) helps control blood sugar levels over an extended period of time, up to 24 hours with one dose, and also helps with weight reduction. As a long-lasting insulin for the control of blood sugar in people with diabetes, Levemir is similar to the body’s own insulin, in that it regulates the metabolism of blood glucose by helping cells absorb and store it as glycogen in the muscle and liver, and inhibits glucose secretion from the liver.


Levemir, Diabetes, and Health Risks


Taken to keep blood sugar levels balanced in patients with diabetes, Levemir is generally well tolerated, and most side effects, if they do occur, tend to be mild. The most commonly reported problem with Levemir is hypoglycemia (low blood sugar). There may also be skin reactions at the site of the injection (redness, hives and …