Tag: juvenile onset diabetes

Onset Diabetes: What Causes this Disorder?

Diabetes mellitus (often referred to as diabetes) is a condition that occurs when blood sugar is not metabolized properly because the insulin hormone is not used properly. Onset diabetes can also occur because the body does not make enough insulin.

The insulin hormone is produced by the pancreas. The insulin hormone is then used to turn glucose into energy, which is used by the body as fuel. If for some reason this process does not work properly in the body, blood sugar becomes elevated (hyperglycemia) and this can cause the signs and symptoms of diabetes.

The most common signs and symptoms of hyperglycemia and diabetes are frequent urination, excessive thirst, unexplained exhaustion, extreme hunger, unexplained weight loss, irritability, vision problems; and pain, numbness or tingling in the feet or hands.


What is Adult Onset Diabetes?


Adult onset diabetes (also know as insulin resistant diabetes or type II diabetes), …

Juvenile Onset Diabetes

Juvenile onset diabetes is also known as Type 1 diabetes, or insulin resistance. This disease is an autoimmune disorder that occurs when an individual’s pancreas has defective beta cells and therefore cannot produce insulin. Insulin is the hormone that is responsible for removing glucose from the blood and converting it into fuel for uptake into the muscle, tissues, and other cells. Without insulin, the glucose remains in the blood, the body has no fuel, and the blood sugar remains elevated, which causes a multitude of other issues.

Physicians are still unclear what causes the beta cells to attack its own pancreas, but they do know that this disease runs in families and that in addition to family history and genetics, geography, viral exposure, low levels of Vitamin D, and lack of Omega 3 fatty acids may play a role. Individuals who have a parent or sibling with juvenile diabetes are …

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