In type 2 diabetes, insulin resistance is the main problem that causes a dangerous rise in blood sugar. Insulin sensitizers such as the biguanides and thiazolidinediones classes of drugs can address this, but there are natural treatments that have the same beneficial effects. Fat and muscle cells use insulin to absorb glucose from the blood, and the liver reduces its glucose secretion when insulin is circulating. However, for those with type 2 diabetes, while they can produce insulin, these functions are impaired. Causes range from genetic (family history, predisposition due to race), to environmental and physiological (lack of exercise, 40-45 years of age, hypertension, high cholesterol and triglycerides, and obesity). Insulin sensitizers work in different ways, but the end result is that they help the body to more effectively use insulin.


Insulin Sensitizers: Drug Therapy


The two classes of prescription drugs that act as insulin sensitizers are biguanides …