Someone in the world loses a lower limb every 30 seconds due to diabetes, according to This shows how important it is to take care of diabetic sores. Diabetes leg sores and foot sores are the mostcommon types of sores found in diabetes. This is because conditions occur in which blood flow to the legs and feet, often causing numbness, tingling and pain.
In diabetes even minor sores should not be ignored. For example, person can have a small scratch which goes unnoticed, and leads to a serious infection. If this small sore turns into an ulcer, and not properly treated, amputation of the limb will likely follow. The risk of amputation for diabetes is 10 times greater for diabetics than for those who are not affected with the disease.
Diabetic Leg Sores
Diabetic sores on legs are most likely venous stasis ulcers. These diabetic sores are …