A diabetic smoothie seems like it should be a contradiction in terms. It is actually a really healthy way to start you day. There are tons of diabetic smoothie recipes out there to try. Some of the websites that host these types of recipes include:

  • Food.com
  • SmoothieWeb.com
  • dLife.com
  • DiabetesDaily.com


Fruits are a great way to get natural sugars into your diet and satisfy your sweet tooth. They are also loaded with vitamins, minerals, and fiber. They do contain carbohydrates however, so you do need to count them in your meal plan. According to the American Diabetes Association (ADA), fresh fruit is always best, but if you choose canned fruit you must be sure that there is no sugar added and that it is in light syrup.

Most fruits have a low glycemic index (GI). This is because of their fructose and fiber content. Melons and pineapple are normally higher …