If you are a diabetic or are commonly around a diabetic, it is vital that you know the diabetic shock symptoms and the appropriate action to take upon noticing them. Diabetic shock, or severe hypoglycemia, is a serious health risk for anyone with diabetes. According to WebMd.com, it can happen anytime there is an imbalance between the insulin in your system, the amount of food you eat, or your level of physical activity. In many cases it even occurs in spite of all your efforts to keep your blood sugar under control.
Symptoms of Diabetic Shock
Not all diabetic patients will exhibit all of the diabetic shock symptoms beforehand, and sometimes attacks can come about without any prior warning. The most common diabetic shock symptoms are as followed:
Loss of consciousness – The clearest sign of diabetic shock is fainting or the loss of consciousness.
Irritability – Unexplained irritability …