Diabetic shock occurs when the blood sugar levels plummet and the body is unable to function properly. Low blood sugar is known as hypoglycemia. This can be caused by several things in diabetics. Often times, it is caused by not eating at regular intervals, skipping meals, drinking excessive amounts of water, rigorous exercise for extended periods of time, injecting to much insulin, taking to much diabetic medication, dehydration, or acute illness that includes diarrhea or vomiting.

When diabetics begin to notice symptoms of hypoglycemia, it is important to start treating the condition immediately, before diabetic shock occurs. If low blood sugar goes untreated, it can lead to diabetic shock coma and even diabetic shock death.


Diabetic Shock Symptoms


Diabetic shock symptoms can come on fairly quickly. If you start experiencing any symptoms of hypoglycemia, check your blood sugar immediately. These are the most common signs of symptoms of …