When blood glucose levels are too high or too low for prolonged periods of time, a diabetic seizure can occur. This is a serious complication of diabetes. Therefore, knowledge must be attained by both the diabetic and those likely to be around if something goes wrong. Patients and caregivers should also recognize the steps necessary to avoid complications such as these.
What is a Diabetic Seizure?
A diabetic seizure is caused by blood sugar being too high or too low. Irregular blood sugar levels can have the same effect. So, it is recommended to keep you blood sugar as stable and consistent as possible. One of the major differences between diabetic seizures and other forms of seizures is that the same blood sugar problems which cause the seizure can also cause the diabetic to slip into a coma (DiabeticLive.com, 2011).
Although it can occur at any time, diabetic seizures …