Diabetic peripheral vascular disease is a condition where the arteries in the legs and/or arms narrow as a result of the buildup of fatty plaque. This fatty plaque is known as lipid deposits. Diabetic peripheral vascular disease is also known medically as a condition called atherosclerosis. In this case, when the atherosclerosis develops in the legs (and less often in the arms) it is referred to as diabetic peripheral vascular disease. People with diabetes are at a 20 times greater risk of developing diabetic peripheral vascular disease as is the general population that is not diabetic.
Along with diabetes, other risk factors for peripheral vascular disease include inactivity, smoking, advanced age (for example, it is more common after age 50), high stress levels, a history of heart disease, and high cholesterol.
What are the Symptoms of Diabetic Peripheral Vascular Disease?
The main symptom of diabetic peripheral vascular disease …