A diabetic prognosis will vary from person to person because the complications of diabetes are far less severe as well as less common among people with well controlled blood sugar levels. By keeping blood sugar levels, cholesterol levels, and blood pressure levels under control, exercising regularly, and avoiding harmful activities such as drinking or smoking, the quality and duration of life can be very much improved. On the other hand, factors likesmoking, drinking alcohol, obesity, high LDL cholesterol levels, and high blood pressure levels all would make a diabetic prognosis worse.

Currently, diabetes is a leading cause of death in all industrialized nations, according to eMedicineHealth.com. Furthermore, the risk of premature death for a diabetic is twice that of people who do not have the disease. Other facts concerning the diabetic prognosis of type 1 and type 2 are listed below:


Type 1 Diabetic Prognosis

  • Fifteen percent of people with