Conditions concerning diabetic nerves are some of the most complex and painful problems that you can face in diabetes. Nerves are damaged in diabetes when your blood sugar levels have not been properly controlled for some period of time. Problems of diabetic nerves are caused because the covering of your nerves are diminished or the blood vessels that nourish these nerves are damaged. In either case, the diabetic nerves stop sending messages, send them slowly, or send them at the wrong time.
There are signs that diabetic nerves are being damaged. With early detection and lifestyle changes, this progression can be slowed and sometimes even be reversed. Symptoms of damage to diabetic nerves can be any of the following:
Numbness in your hands, legs, and feet
Shooting pains, burning, or tingling
Nausea, vomiting, constipation, or diarrhea
Problems with sexual function
Urinary problems
Dizziness when you change position quickly