During your lifetime with diabetes, you are likely to have diabetic episodes time and again. Diabetic episodes usually refer to times of hypoglycemia (low blood sugar levels); although, ‘diabetic episodes’ can also refer to hyperglycemia (high blood sugar levels), diabetic seizures, diabetic coma, and ketoacidosis (a severe condition of type-1). Hypoglycemia may also be referred to as diabetic shock.

Diabetic episodes involving hypoglycemia can be a scary thing to deal with. It may occur when a diabetic person skips meals, is sick, exercises, eats at the wrong times of day, or as a result of their medications. It is important that families and friends of people with diabetes learn the warning signs of hypoglycemia. A diabetic and their family should carry sweet snacks or glucose tablets for emergency use.

Generally, if you know that the person is having a hypoglycemic diabetic episode you can give them a hard candy to …