Among people with diabetes, diabetic cardiovascular disease causes more death than any other diabetic complication. Much of society is not aware of this fact. Usually, diabetes is associated with kidney failure, blindness, amputations, and other organ failure. While these things reduce the quality of life for many diabetics, diabetic cardiovascular disease will kill more diabetics than anything else.

When blood glucose levels are not controlled and the diabetic suffers from chronic hyperglycemia (high blood sugar levels), the arteries lose their elasticity and become narrowed. High cholesterol can clog the arteries. All of is puts the diabetic at increased risk of diabetic cardiovascular disease.

Diabetic cardiovascular disease is the class of diseases that involve the heart, the vessels, or both. A cardiovascular disease is technically any disease that involves the cardiovascular system.


Diabetic Cardiovascular Disease Usually Involves Atherosclerosis


Atherosclerosis is a narrowing of the arteries that is caused by …