In his article, Diabetes, Tension, Metaphysics, and Meditation, Larry Miller discusses how diabetes tension affects our lives and natural ways to release that tension. Larry Miller teaches classes on T’ai Chi, Qi Gong, herbal information, martial arts and other health related subjects. His article states, “There can be overabundance or lack of Qi. Think of Qi as water in a pipe. If you have a shortage of water you have inadequate pressure. If you have a blockage, the pressure can build and something has to blow.” The article continues, stating that “the needles used in acupuncture are antennas for Qi enhancement and/or dispersal; so are the pressure points in acupressure.” In other words these are ways of releasing diabetes pressure.
Diabetes Tension for Children
There are currently about 33 million diabetes patients in India. A 2008 study from India has shown that tension may be the …