Knowing about diabetes indicators can save one’s life. The earlier a person discovers that they have diabetes the less likely that person is to develop horrifying complications such as seizures, coma, death, blindness, nerve damage, heart disease, or amputation. Luckily, due to the research done regarding the disease, indicators of diabetes can be spotted much sooner than ever before. lists some surprising new diabetes indicators on their website article 9 Shocking Diabetes Indicators, they include:

Breast size: Women who are size D or above by the age of twenty have been found to be five times more likely to develop diabetes than a flat-chested woman.

Eyebrow color: A German study found that 76% of the men who continued to have dark brows after the rest of their hair began graying had diabetes. The theory is that diabetes may inhibit the graying process of the eyebrows.

Birth month: One …