Diabetes cooking is about much more than knowing cooking techniques and composing delicious meals. Cooking for diabetes begins long before the diabetic sets foot in the kitchen. It begins with the effort to sit down and write a shopping list in preparation for a trip to the grocery store or farmer’s market.


Diabetes Cooking Begins with the Right Ingredients


Diabetes cooking cannot be accomplished successfully without the right ingredients: ingredients that are guaranteed to nourish diabetics without sending their blood glucose levels sky-high. That is why writing a shopping list for groceries is so important. It helps to ensure that the low G.I, low-fat, low-sugar, and high-fiber foods necessary for cooking diabetes-friendly meals will be prioritized during shopping trips.

Such foods include whole grain cereals and whole grain cereal products (including bread, wraps, tortillas, breakfast cereals, and flours). Canned vegetables should be avoided as they tend to be …