Currently there are many diabetes capsules on the market. Bitter melon (Momodica Charantia), also called Karela, and cinnamon are the most popular.

Used in traditional Chinese medicine for centuries, the fruits and seeds of bitter melon are used in medicine. The American Diabetes Association does not consider cinnamon or bitter melon viable forms of treatment for diabetes. If you choose to take supplements advise your doctor and be sure to measure blood glucose frequently. It is not advisable to take cinnamon supplements with insulin or suphonylureas it may lead to hypoglycemia. When buying supplements make sure to buy from a certified maker, ensuring that the ingredients match those on the label.


Cinnamon Capsules Diabetes


There have been several studies investigating the ability of cinnamon (cinnamon cassia) to lower blood sugar. In a study published in 2009, people with uncontrolled type 2 diabetes who took cinnamon supplements twice …