Diabetes and ankle pain are a systemic disease and one if its’ many complications. Individuals who have had Diabetes Mellitus for an extended period are prone to developing Diabetic Neuropathy, which is nerve damage resulting for the high levels of sugar in the blood. Since Diabetics do not make sufficient amounts of insulin (Type 1) or the body is resistant to the insulin that is manufactured (Type 2), the glucose has no method of transfer out of the bloodstream. Instead, it remains there to cause irreparable harm to the nerves (Diabetic Neuropathy.)
According to data from the 2011 National Fact Sheet, 70% of people with Diabetes have nerve damage. It is commonplace even in Diabetics who have few incidences of Hyperglycemia (high blood sugar levels.) The number of Hyperglycemic episodes may be relative to the severity and progression of the damage, and will affect various areas of the body. Initially, …