Diabetes and kidney pain are often linked, as the kidneys are responsible for cleansing a person’s blood. The small organs are about the size of a fist and resemble kidney beans. Tiny units inside the kidneys, called nephrons, tubules, and glomeruli cleanse approximately two hundred quarts of blood per day and out of it, remove about two quarts of excess water and waste. These fluids are then processed through the ureters into the bladder where it waits to be excreted through the urine.
When a diabetic has an extreme blood glucose level, the excess sugar builds up. This abundance of sugar damages the nephrons and inhibits the kidneys from functioning. The process isreferred to as diabetic nephropathy and can be very dangerous. Without the ability to secrete water and waste, these materials build up inside the body. They then act like toxins, which can cause intense diabetes kidney pain.