The cost of diabetes treatment may not be the scariest thing about the disease, but it is definitely a concern. According to the American Diabetes Association (ADA), the national cost of diabetes exceeded $174 billion in 2007. Diabetics spend about 2.3 times more than they would if they did not have diabetes, and about 1 in 10 health care dollars are attributed to the disease. That does not include factors such as absenteeism, reduced productivity, and lost capacity due to early mortality.

According to The New York Times, diabetics spend $6,000 a year on average treating their disease. This ‘cost of diabetes treatment’ estimation includes monitoring supplies, medicines, doctor visits, annual eye exams, and other related costs. Costs of heart disease, strokes, liver damage, eye damage, kidney damage, infections, and the like are not included.


Saving on the Cost of Diabetes Treatment


Another New York time article offers …