Tag: class c diabetes

Diabetes Class

Diabetes class is a classification system developed by Priscilla White to exemplify the effects of diabetes on mothers and babies throughout pregnancy. White was the founding researcher who recognized the distinction necessary for perinatology studies related to diabetes. Using the White system, there are two main types of diabetes, gestational diabetes- class a diabetes-and pre-gestational diabetes- class b diabetes.

Gestational diabetes is a condition in which the pancreas cannot produce enough insulin or the body cannot absorb the insulin and therefore has elevated blood sugar levels. This condition is similar to type 2 diabetes, however, the condition will resolve itself after the mother has delivered her baby. White distinguished gestational diabetes sufferers by their mode of treatment. The blood sugar levels of a1 were regulated by their diet, while the blood sugar levels of a2 were controlled through injections of insulin.

White defines pre-gestational diabetes as diabetes that a woman …

Class C Diabetes

Class C diabetes is diabetes that began between the ages of 10 – 19 and has lasted a duration of 10-19 years. Women whose diabetes had set in before the age of 20 years of age have a higher incidence of infants with malformations that were fatal than women who developed diabetes at an older age, according to a study found on oxfordjournals.org.

The placentae from mothers with Class C diabetes were compared in one study with a normal group of placentae. The placentae from the Class C diabetes patients were divided into two groups based on growth characteristics and the neonatal out comes of the infants. The placentae of both of these groups were heavier than the placentae of the normal mothers. They were also found to have a relative increase in surface are. The results of the study suggested that the placental function in diabetics were probably not …

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