Numerous studies have connected insulin resistance and hair loss. In fact, according to,studies have conclusively shown that men with Androgenetic Alopecia (AGA) have high levels of insulin in their bloodstreams. Studies have shown high correlations between insulin resistance and hair loss in women as well.
Insulin is the hormone which is responsible for delivering blood glucose, or blood sugar, into the cells. Once in the cells it is converted into energy. When cells are faced with taking in too much glucose too often, they begin to shut off receptors and ignore insulin. When the cells resist the insulin (insulin resistance) the blood sugar remains in the blood stream, causing harm to the body overtime.
High blood sugar levels result in high cortisol levels, free radicals, and inflammation, all of which have been linked to hair loss. Since eating healthily and exercising helps to resolve insulin resistance, lifestyle changes may have the potential to slow or prevent hair loss as well. Additionally, also states that grape seed extract may also offer strong protection against oxidative stress and has positive effects on aging, insulin resistance, and hair loss.
Insulin Resistance & Hair Loss in Women
Insulin resistance has been said to play a role in altering the hormone metabolism in women towards androgen dominance. Androgen is a term used to describe “any steroid hormone that stimulates or controls the development and maintenance of masculine characteristics”. According to, this androgen dominance may be an underlying cause of PMS, Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), and endometriosis, as well as ovarian cysts and tumors.
The website continues, stating that the relationship between androgen and insulin is a vicious cycle, where elevated insulin levels “feed and are fed” by androgen formation. This is because excess androgens increase the levels of free fatty acids and hormone levels, while also keeping the liver from detoxifying and the skeletal muscles from using glucose. Furthermore, insulin resistance and androgen dominances stop the body from eliminating toxins, free radicals, and excess hormones.
In short, high levels of insulin, due to insulin resistance, lead to an imbalance in insulin resistance. This imbalance of hormones in women leads to hair loss, unwanted hair growth, unexplained weight loss, fluid retention, fatigue, mood swings, acne, infertility, and irregular periods. In addition, high levels of insulin contribute to proliferative cancers, cardiovascular disease, and elevated cholesterol and triglyceride levels.
Many of these problems can be avoided, prevented, or delayed by reducing insulin resistance. This can be done by eating low amounts of carbohydrates, and a diet rich in fruits and not starchy vegetables. Exercising regularly may also stop insulin resistance and hair loss from continuing.