Diabetic complications occur when blood glucose is not controlled properly. Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic condition that occurs when the body is unable to produce or absorb insulin properly. This causes a condition called hyperglycemia (high blood sugar), which damages the organs, systems, and tissues in the body.
The main cause of diabetic complications is poor control of blood sugar. High blood sugar is extremely damaging to the body over long periods of time. Thus, if you have been diagnosed with either type of diabetes mellitus (type 1 or type 2), it is imperative that you follow your treatment plan and maintain good control of your blood sugar. You need to make sure that your blood glucose stays within normal limits. If you are having a difficult time controlling your blood sugar, you should contact your physician to discuss alternate treatment plans or to discuss adjusting your medications.
Diet and exercise can also help control blood sugar levels. Speak with your physician or ask for a referral to a dietician to discuss the proper diet for you. People with obesity are at higher risk for diabetic complications. If you are obese and have diabetes, it is a good idea to lose the extra weight. Some physicians even recommend gastric bypass or weight loss surgery in situations where the diabetes is not being controlled well.
Diabetic neuropathy complications are fairly common in people who are unable to control diabetes. Complications of diabetic neuropathy tend to occur in the hands and feet.
Diabetic Foot Complications
Diabetic neuropathy causes damage to the tissues and the cells. The result of diabetic neuropathy is poor circulation to the extremities. If the condition goes untreated or it cannot be controlled, it will lead to little to no circulation to the hands and feet. This can result in tissue death.
When tissue death occurs, Gangrene sets in. In order to prevent it from spreading and affecting surrounding tissue, amputation of the dead tissue is usually necessary. The most common type of amputation caused from diabetic neuropathy is foot and lower limb amputation. Sometimes part of the foot can be saved if partial amputation is done early enough and the diabetes is subsequently controlled. However, in most cases, amputation of the entire foot and even the lower part of the limb is necessary.
The best way to avoid limb amputation is to control diabetes mellitus. Prevention is the best option when it comes to dealing with diabetic neuropathy complications.
Another common diabetic complication is ketoacidosis. This can come on quickly and can cause coma and death if not treated immediately.
Diabetic Ketoacidosis Complications
According to the American Diabetes Association, complications of diabetic ketoacidosis begin rather quickly and the situation is acute. Ketoacidosis can present with dizziness, lightheadedness, extreme thirst, frequent urination, confusion, sleepiness, and moodiness. If you have been diagnosed with diabetes and you are experiencing these symptoms, check your blood sugar immediately. If it is not within normal limits, contact your physician or seek emergency medical care. Ketoacidosis can lead to diabetic coma and death. This condition affects the electrolyte balance quickly, and treatment at a hospital is usually necessary.
As with all diabetic complications, the best way to treat them is to avoid them. Prevention is the best medicine. Control your diabetes well and you can live a long and healthy life!