According to the American Diabetes Association, diabetic amyotrophy is a branch of neuropathy that causes pain, weakness and/or wasting in the muscles. Diabetic neuropathy describes damage done to the nerves throughout the body because of high blood glucose levels that result from the disease. Often times, symptoms take many years to develop and can vary depending on which part of the body is experiencing damaged nerves. In diabetic amyotrophy, it normally affects the nerves close to the shoulders and hips, giving it the potential to be a crippling condition. Although diabetic amyotrophy is seen in patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes, it is more common in those affected with type 2. According to the American Association of Neuromuscular and Electrodiagnostic Medicine, about 1 percent of people with diabetes will develop diabetic amyotrophy, and it is seen most often in older men. Diabetic amyotrophy can be diagnosed through electrodiagnoztic testing, but in many cases nerve conduction studies as well as needle electromyography are needed to diagnose the condition.


Diabetic Amyotrophy Symptoms


The technical term for diabetic amyotrophy is “radiculoplexus neuropathy.” It is also referred to as Bruns-Garland syndrome. Diabetic amyotrophy aymptoms include pain in the thighs, legs and buttocks; weakness in the legs; and loss of reflexes in the knee. Sometimes, the spinal cord may experience some damage and a spike in celebrospinal fluid levels is observed. Muscle atrophy is another one of the most common diabetic amyotrophy symptoms. This occurs when the muscle mass deteriorates in the thighs, legs and buttocks. In many cases, the pain and weakness associated with diabetic amyotrophy symptoms will not occur on both sides of the body. In fact, research shows that most of the time they only occur on one side of the body.


Diabetic Amyotrophy Treatment


Amyotrophy diabetic can be a disabling side effect of diabetes, but diabetic amyotrophy treatment is available. Like all of the health problems associated with diabetes, the most important way to keep them in check is by continually monitoring blood sugar levels and keeping them under control. Healthy eating habits, exercise and a positive mental state is also essential. Staying clear of smoking and drinking is also important for diabetic amyotrophy treatment. For those affected with diabetic amyotrophy, physical therapy is often helpful because it can assist in restoring the nerves in the legs, bringing back feeling. Diabetic amyotrophy medicine is also available and helps reduce the pain associated with the condition. According to information presented on eHow’s website, the U.S. Good and Drug Administration approved diabetic amyotrophy medicine for pain called Duloxetine and Pregabalin. Doctors sometimes also prescribe antidepressants to relieve pain. Anticonvulsants are can also be helpful for diabetic amyotrophy treatment. Any person who thinks they are experiencing symptoms associated with diabetic amyotrophy should seek medical attention for treatment as soon as possible.