Diabetes calluses are a big concern to those affected by the disease. Diabetics experience more foot calluses than people who do not have the disease because they are able to build up faster due to high-pressure areas under the foot. The reason why diabetes calluses are so dangerous is because they can be the beginning of a diabetic foot ulcer if not treated fast and effectively. If a callus is not trimmed, it will get thick, break down and become an open sore.

It is critical that a diabetic person never takes diabetic calluses lightly. A foot ulcer can ultimately lead to the amputation of a limb if not properly dealt with. Around 80,000 diabetes related amputations take place every year, and mortality is another possibility.

Diabetes Calluses should never be trimmed at home. A doctor or other health care provider should cut calluses. There are some products available that remove calluses and corns through chemical agents. Diabetic should never use these on diabetes calluses because they can burn the skin, leading to dangerous open sores.


What Can I do to Prevent and Treat Diabetes Calluses?


It is possible to prevent diabetes calluses by making sure they do not have the right conditions to occur. Diabetics should pay special attention to the skin care on their feet. The American Diabetes Association recommends using a pumice stone on a daily basis when the skin is wet. Lotion should be applied directly after the use of a pumice stone to prevent cracking or irritation that could lead to foot ulcers. Moisturizing skin is an important step that should be taken on a regular basis, even if a pumice stone is not being used. Lotion helps to prevent new diabetes calluses from forming and slows the progression of existing ones.

A person with diabetes should purchase appropriate footwear. Loose-fitting shoes with secure padding are a must. Cushioned socks can be worn for additional security. High heels or old work boots should be avoided. There are several companies who make socks and shoes specifically for people with diabetes. Diabetic socks are loose fitting to prevent moisture buildup and often do not have seams that can potentially rub against the skin.

Soaking feet in a footbath for at least 10 minutes at least one time a week is another way to protect against diabetic calluses. Agents that can potentially cause cracking or irritation to the skin (such as vinegar) should never be added to a footbath. Castile soap may be used with warm water to help to break down a diabetes callus. Castile soap is made out of vegetables, so it is milder on skin than regular soap. Omitting fragrances can also decrease the chance for irritation. The most important thing to remember is to never take a sharp object to a diabetes callus yourself.